How to be Your Own Role Model

Mar 08, 2021

It's International Women's Day (IWD) this month (8th March). The global day celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. You can find out more here.

IWD is the perfect time to take a moment to celebrate the strong women in your life. Whether it's a mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin, teacher, friend, neighbour, or celebrity, here’s to the female role models that helped shape you into the strong woman you are today!

What is a role model?

What makes someone a role model is different for every person, but what unites role models is that they set a positive example and motivate and inspire others to change and unleash their true potential. According to an article in Forbes, female role models represent what's possible, how to be ambitious and aim higher, and demonstrate the mindsets and behaviours of how to rise (1).

Think about the role models in your life. They're often somebody you look up to, possibly somebody you strive to be like, and therefore somebody who influences your actions, behaviours, and choices.

What are the traits of a role model?

A book entitled The Meaning of Success - Insights from Women at Cambridge University (2) found that the qualities associated with successful female role models include:

• Integrity: They are honest, treat others fairly, and do the right thing even if it's not popular
• Inclusive: They support women, encourage their development, and commit to gender equality
• Resilience: They handle failures and knockbacks, and take a stand for important issues
• Authentic: They're true to themselves, have a strong sense of self, and their own voice

How to be your own role model

“Just be your own idol.”
Sophia Amoruso, author of #GIRLBOSS and founder and CEO of clothing giant Nasty Gal

When it comes to role models, there's someone in your life who you can look to for inspiration and motivation at any time: You! After all, who is better placed to know your goals and aspirations than yourself? So here are some tips to being your own idol.

• Love yourself: Be proud of who you are, believe in yourself, and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. You can find more self-love tips here
• Celebrate your achievements: Even the little victories take you a step closer to your goals so be sure to track and enjoy everything you accomplish
• Focus on your passion: Pursue the things that excite you in life. Focusing on what's important to you will energise you to achieve your goals
• Be true to yourself: Be the woman you want to be. Never forget it's your life and you are in control of your actions, choices, and journey.

Feel Look Be...your own role model

The 8th of March isn't just International Women's Day, it's also Feel Look Be day! That's because it's when the new Feel Look Be course begins.

Designed for busy women, the theme for the March group is being your own superhero however, this is a message that runs strong in each Feel Look Be programme that we run. It is my mission to empower as many women as possible. Join us on a journey to stepping into your own personal power and being your own role model.

Find out more here.




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