Reflections: January 2021

Jan 29, 2021

Well, we are just about to wrap up January and what a month it has been.

Leo and I are fully settled in the new house and we just love it – it’s our little slice of heaven. The dogs love it too of course, Honey and Bonnie think they’ve hit the jackpot with all the space they now have to run around.

My January Feel Look Be Programme is about to come to an end too. Can you believe we’ve had 1,150 women with us this month?! It has been electric and so inspiring. I am incredibly proud of each and every woman who has given it their all and then some this month. We worked together to detox ourselves from the indulgences at Christmas and New Year and I won’t lie, it has been tough at times. I think everyone will agree when I say I am looking forward to getting back to a bit of normality in February.

You might have seen little old me on the TV this month too. We had #ShelleyOnTheTelly with an STV advert that is going to hit homes across Scotland until the end of February. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can check it out here and if you do see it on the telly, pop it on your Insta Stories and tag me in it (@ShelleyBoothFitness_) – I will share as many as I can.

As the old adage goes, there is no rest for the wicked and that is especially true for the team and I who have been busy behind the scenes this month too planning some really exciting things for this year. I can’t wait to start announcing what we have up our sleeves so keep your eyes peeled.

We, of course, celebrated Burn’s Night this month and although we didn’t have haggis, I did get the old bagpipes out and we even had some poetry recitals too – it really does make me proud to be Scottish!

Don't let me forget the face masks - we challenged the girls to get creative and use some of the fresh ingredients from the meal plan to create a natural face mask. Avocado was a firm favourite!

I teach my clients the importance behind reflection. We use journaling as a tool to help us reflect on what has been, express gratitude for what we have and to plan for what’s ahead so I am a strong advocate for the benefits of taking a minute to take stock and to deeply experience gratitude so before I sign off, let me just say how grateful I am for each and every single one of you.

Cheers for an amazing January and here’s to an even better February!

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If you haven’t completed a Feel Look Be Programme with me before, we are focussing on self-love next month. We kick off on February 8th for 4 weeks of LIVE mindset training, LIVE education and LIVE fitness, daily meal plans, access to an amazing community of supportive women and so much more. Find out more >>

Did you know I have a 5 Day mini-course that gives you a taster of the 4 week feel look be programme? It’s called 5-Day Blitz and although it’s only a 5-day course, you have access to it for 30 days and it’s a perfect way to get to know me a little more and decide if you want to do the Feel Look Be Programme. Find out more >>


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